MyFax vs RingCentral: Fax Service Comparison

RingCentral and MyFax differ in terms of features. RingCentral offers practical online faxing capabilities, while MyFax lacks fax broadcasting, eSignatures, and developer API.

myfax vs ringcentral


 Price per pageHIPAA Compliance256-Bit EncyptionDeveloper APIFax Broadcasts
RingCentralYesYesYesUp to 50

Feature & Pricing Comparison

MyFax vs RingCentral

MyFax and RingCentral Pricing

MyFax Plans

MyFax offers three pricing plans to cater to different user needs. The Home Office User plan is priced at $12 per month and allows users to send and receive 100 pages. The Small Business User plan, at $25 per month, offers 300 pages for sending and receiving. The Power User plan, priced at $45 per month, provides the capacity for 600 pages of sending and receiving. All plans include free local/toll-free fax numbers, email-to-fax, no contracts, iOS and Android apps, multi-device compatibility, and 24/7 customer support.

RingCentral Fax Pricing

RingCentral offers two main pricing plans. The “Fax 3000” plan, priced at $22.99 per user per month, includes 3000 pages of faxing, access to fax numbers in over 105+ countries, mobile fax apps, integration with services like Box and Dropbox, compatibility with physical devices, and fax cover page templates. On the other hand, the “RingCentral Advanced” plan starts at $25 per user per month with annual contracts. It provides a comprehensive package with unlimited internet fax, an advanced business phone system, inbound caller ID, call recording, and more.

Does Ringcentral have better security than MyFax?

MyFax lacks two-factor authentication, an essential security feature that protects user accounts. Additionally, there is little information about whether it uses encryption and other security protocols, which are crucial for safeguarding faxes.

RingCentral lets users securely transmit faxes over an encrypted connection (TLS), protecting sensitive information. These faxes can be conveniently stored in a password-protected account, enhancing data security. Additionally, the communications platform offers an advanced fax spam-blocking feature, which helps filter out unwanted and irrelevant faxes.

MyFax vs RingCentral
MyFax vs RingCentral

Do both fax services have good user interfaces?

MyFax offers a straightforward and user-friendly faxing experience, which users particularly appreciate. One of its notable features is its support for a wide range of numbers, including international and toll-free options, providing users with versatility in their faxing needs.

RingCentral’s intuitive interface ensures users can easily navigate the platform without extensive training. Also, its Single Sign-On provides a seamless user experience by seamlessly integrating with various identity providers, including popular options like PingFederate and Okta.

Is RingCentral HIPAA compliant?

MyFax maintains compliance with industry regulations, including HIPAA. It follows the standard guidelines to keep patient information secure. 

Likewise, RingCentral complies with HIPAA. It will also sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) outlining its obligations to secure sensitive health information.

Do both fax solutions have limitations with eSignatures?

MyFax does not offer support electronic signatures, which means that there is no integrated functionality to sign documents electronically within its platform. This absence of eSignature support implies that users must employ external tools or manual methods for obtaining signatures on faxed documents.

RingCentral offers eSignature support. However, it’s essential to note that specific system requirements are associated with this functionality.

Is RingCentral a better MyFax alternative for API support?

MyFax lacks support for a developer API, so it is not possible to incorporate its fax functionalities into other applications or systems.

Meanwhile, RingCentral offers robust support for developer APIs. Whether you build your own app from the ground up or leverage a selection of pre-built applications, it provides a versatile platform that empowers users to optimize their communication solutions efficiently.

Does MyFax have fax broadcasting features?

MyFax does not offer fax broadcasting as part of its service. If your business requires simultaneously sending faxes to multiple recipients, you may need to explore alternative faxing solutions that provide this feature.

RingCentral, on the other hand, supports fax broadcasting. However, it’s essential to take note of its limitations. For one, users can only send a fax message to a maximum of 50 recipients at once.

Verdict: Choosing either MyFax or RingCentral

When comparing MyFax and Ringcentral, it becomes evident that Ringcentral offers more comprehensive and versatile features. While MyFax provides a basic faxing service, it falls short in crucial areas such as certified HIPAA compliance, fax broadcasting, eSignature capabilities, and integrations via API.

However, it’s essential to note that RingCentral has limitations, including fax broadcasting capabilities that may not meet all users’ needs and specific system requirements for eSignatures.

Why businesses choose iFax over
MyFax and RingCentral

Wider Broadcast

Give your messaging a wider coverage by reaching a unlimited recipients with at once.

In-built eSignatures

Effortlessly sign faxed documents without having to leave your fax application.

Scalable Plans

Our plains are tailored to meet the budget and fax preference of businesses of all sizes.

“I would definitely recommend them”

“Our organization has been using this iFax service for a few months now which has been working very well. The customer service team are excellent, they have been very helpful in explaining our usage and how we can benefit from upgrading to a better package that will cost us less instead of trying to sell us more than we need.”
Shamin R.
Digital Marketing Mentor

“Cloud-Based Faxing”

“It was cheaper compared to other providers, the ease of use and very intuitive design and the reliability of the faxes being sent. My team and I always get great support from the team whenever an issue needs to be dealt with.”

John M., CIO (Medical Practice)

“I compared the most popular online fax services iFax is overall the best value and feature rich!”

“Great customer service! The Google Workspace integration has been great for our organization. Everyone likes it compared to our previous service.”

Omar C., IT Expert (Non-Profit)


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