OSHA Construction Training: What You Need To Know

OSHA Construction Training: What You Need To Know

What are the OSHA construction training requirements? How do you become an authorized trainer? Where can you find the right training resources? 

This article sheds light on everything you need to know about these topics. 

OSHA Construction Training: What You Need To Know

Understanding OSHA Regulations for Construction Training

Construction is considered one of the high-hazard industries. Workers often get exposed to serious dangers such as electrocutions, falls, and faulty machinery. Thus, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), a federal agency in the United States, developed a set of rules to govern workplace safety and health in the U.S. construction industry.

OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1926.21 emphasizes safety training and education for workers in the construction industry. The standard says employers should avail themselves of the safety and health training programs under OSHA. Furthermore, employers must instruct each employee to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions, including the safe handling of harmful substances, harmful plants or animals, and flammable and toxic materials. 

Overview of OSHA Requirements for Construction Sites Training

OSHA Construction Training Materials

1.  OSHA Outreach Training Program for the construction industry

OSHA Outreach Training Program is a voluntary training program with two categories: a 10-hour training for entry-level workers and a more in-depth 30-hour training for supervisors or workers with safety responsibilities. Workers can either get trained or become trainers. The training program equips participants with basic and advanced training about common safety and health hazards. It also equips them with knowledge of workers’ rights, employer obligations, and how to file a complaint.

2. Required OSHA Construction Safety Training

An employer is required to conduct training specific to their workplace hazards. The OSHA Outreach Training Program doesn’t fulfill this requirement. 29 CFR 1926 mentions training programs for protective equipment, machinery, and hazardous or toxic substances in the construction industry.

3. Other Training Materials

The OSHA Construction Industry Training webpage provides links to other training materials.

OSHA Construction Training: What You Need To Know

Participants in OSHA Construction Training

Construction training applies to all construction workers, which means work for construction, alteration, and/or repair. Painting and decorating are included in the definition of construction work. Contractors should also take part in the training.

Employers’ Responsibility in OSHA Construction Training

Employers must provide adequate training specific to the dangers in their workplace. OSHA emphasizes that failing to train an employee may result in a violation.

OSHA Construction Training Requirements

These are the OSHA training requirements on general safety and health provisions:

  • Employers must have accident prevention programs aligned with OSHA standards.
  • Employers should ensure that affected employees receive necessary training, covering hazards, regulations, safe substance handling, recognizing unsafe conditions, and first aid.
  • The Secretary of Labor will supervise education and training programs for employers and employees.
  • Employers should train employees to recognize and avoid unsafe conditions, handle hazardous substances, deal with harmful plants or animals, and use protective equipment.
  • A sufficient number of employees must be trained to assist in emergency evacuations. Also, the emergency action plan must be reviewed with each employee initially and whenever there are changes.

In addition to the above, OSHA provides training requirements on the topics below. It’s best to consult each part of the booklet Training Requirements in OSHA Standards because the requirements are very detailed and include training topics, frequency of training, and authorized trainers.

  • Occupational Health and Environmental Controls
  • Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment
  • Fire Protection and Prevention
  • Signs, Signals, Barricades
  • Tools – Hand and Power
  • Welding and Cutting
  • Electrical
  • Scaffolds
  • Fall Protection
  • Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and
  • Marine Operations
  • Steel Erection
  • Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams, and Compressed Air
  • Blasting and the Use of Explosives
  • Power Transmission and Distribution
  • Stairways and Ladders
  • Diving
  • Toxic and Hazardous Substances
  • Confined Spaces in Construction
  • Cranes and Derricks in Construction
OSHA Construction Training: What You Need To Know

Benefits of OSHA Construction Training

Fulfilling OSHA training requirements for construction has several benefits. Obviously, it increases awareness of safety hazards and reduces the likelihood of workplace accidents and injuries. Employers can comply with safety regulations and reduce the risk of fines and penalties for violations. Also, equipping workers with health and safety skills can positively impact productivity, reduce absenteeism, and decrease employee turnover. Training workers in OSHA safety requirements for construction is a win-win for employees and employers.

Choosing the Right OSHA Construction Training Provider

OSHA outreach program trainers are authorized (not certified) trainers but not OSHA personnel. Trainers are independent service providers who have different schedules and fees. 

If you are looking for a trainer, the OSHA recommends contacting various providers and finding one that fits your needs. To verify if a trainer is authorized, ask for their trainer card with an expiration date and the name of the authorizing OTI Education Center. You can find a list of OSHA suspended or revoked trainers on their website. You can also check online for the complete list of OSHA-authorized outreach training providers.

Kent CaƱas

Kent is a content strategist currently specializing in HIPAA-compliant online fax. Her expertise in this field allows her to provide valuable insights to clients seeking a secure and efficient online fax solution.

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