Contacts Upload

Upload your fax contacts in bulk

Effortlessly upload a CSV file with detailed user profiles

Run targeted broadcast campaigns at the push of a button

Update and reuse broadcast lists instead of starting over

Contacts Upload


Effortlessly upload, manage, and send faxes in bulk.

Contacts Upload

Elevate fax communication with seamless contact upload.

Why spend hours manually creating lists? Upload hundreds or thousands of contacts in seconds and boost revenue. With iFax, craft personalized fax campaigns effortlessly. 

All you need is a secure and reliable online faxing platform that can smoothly adapt to your constantly evolving fax marketing strategy. With the help of iFax, you can upload contacts and send quick and effective fax broadcasts.

How to bulk upload contacts for fax broadcasts

With iFax’s fax broadcast, you can add contacts manually or import them in bulk. Let’s say you have a long list of campaign subscribers. To add them to your broadcast list in one go, you need to follow these steps:

Before you upload bulk contacts, first have all the contacts saved in a CSV file and in the following order: Fax Number, Firstname, Lastname (Optional, Company Name (Optional), Job Title (Optional), Email (Optional), Direct Message Email (Optional), Phone (Optional), Work Number (Optional).     

  1. Log in to your iFax web account.
  2. Navigate to contacts At the bottom right, click on the “New Contact” button
  3. Select Import multiple contacts.
  4. Click on Upload CSV and Choose the CSV file you want to upload.
  5. Click on Import
  6. Label your new broadcast list. Review the data you uploaded. Our import tool will automatically check if the fax numbers listed are valid.
  7. If there are any invalid numbers, you must update them manually before you can click Save.

Customize Contact Fields in Imported Lists

Tailor your fax contact lists effortlessly in these steps:

  1. Go to Tools > Broadcast Fax.
  2. Click New Broadcast List.
  3. Click Upload CSV.
  4. Download the same template provided (see the image above). By default, the template will be downloaded as an XLS file.
  5. Open the XLS file using MS Excel or any software that supports the said file type.
  6. Edit the sheet as necessary. Add custom fields next to the pre-labeled columns.
  7. Save your changes, then go back to your iFax web dashboard.
  8. From the same Upload CSV dialog, click Choose File.
  9. Upload the updated spreadsheet, then click Import.
  10. Preview the imported file. From there, you will see whether the custom fields have been successfully added. You can also modify the details as needed.
  11. Click Save.
Effortlessly Upload Your
Fax Contact List
Import names, fax numbers, and emails into your broadcast lists with ease.